




E-mail: dengxj@upc.edu.cn



岩土工程数值计算; 岩石断裂机理; 多物理场耦合理论及应用; 天然气水合物开发技术





2013.09–2014.09, 美国南卫理公会大学(Southern Methodist University)访问学者


2011.01–至今, 中国石油大学(华东),储运与建筑工程学院工程力学系,副教授

2008.03–2010.12, 中国石油大学(华东),储运与建筑工程学院工程力学系,讲师

1999.07–2003.02, 日照港务局科研中心 从事设计咨询


理论力学; 材料力学; 有限单元法




International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications (SciencePG)编委(2020-), Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 岩土工程学报, 防灾减灾工程学报, 等期刊审稿人


1.2018年中国石油大学(华东)研究生教学成果奖, 排名5/5.



1.Xuejing Deng, Shaowei Pan, Jianbo Zhang, Zhiyuan Wang, Ziyi Jiang. Numerical investigation on abnormally elevated pressure in laboratory-scale porous media caused by depressurized hydrate dissociation. Fuel, 271(2020): 117679. (SCI, IF:5.128)

2.Xuejing Deng; Jianwei Feng; Shaowei Pan; Zhiyuan Wang; Jianbo Zhao; Weiqing Chen. An improved model for the migration of fluids caused by hydrate dissociation in porous media. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 188(2020):106876. (SCI, IF:2.89)

3.Xuejing Deng; Shaowei Pan; Zhiyuan Wang; Ke Ke; Jianbo Zhang. Application of the Darcy-Stefan model to investigate the thawing subsidence around the wellbore in the permafrost region. Applied Thermal Engineering. 156(2019), 392-401. (SCI, IF:4.02)

4.Zhiyuan Wang; Yongqiang Liao; Weidong Zhang; Baojiang Sun; Xiaohui Sun; Xuejing Deng. Coupled temperature field model of gas-hydrate formation for thermal fluid fracturing. Applied Thermal Engineering, 133(2018): 160-169. (SCI, IF:4.02)

5.Xuerui Wang; Wang, Z.Y., Xuejing Deng; Baojiang Sun. Coupled thermal model of wellbore and permafrost in Arctic regions. Applied Thermal Engineering. 123(2017), 1291-1299. (SCI, IF:4.02)

6.Zhiyuan Wang; Xuerui Wang; Baojiang Sun; Xuejing Deng; Yang Zhao; Yonghai Gao; Hao Li. Analysis on wellhead stability during drilling operation in arctic permafrost region. Proceedings of the ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2017 June 25-30, 2017, Trondheim, Norway.

7.Yang Zhou; Degao Zou; Xuejing Deng; Shiqiang Zhao. Stability reliability analysis of high earth and rockfill dam slope. Modeling and Computation in Engineering III - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Modeling and Computation in Engineering, CMCE 2014. 2014 :191-196.

8.邓学晶; 亓玉成; 林倩; 邹德高. 地震诱发工程岩体结构面滑移概率分析.中国石油大学学报(自然科学版). 38(2014),148-152.

9.邓学晶; 林倩; 亓玉成; 邹德高. 平稳随机激励下耦合Newmark滑移系统的可靠性分析. 计算力学学报. 31(2014),578-582.

10.赵士强; 邓学晶; 周扬.高土石坝随机地震反应分析.低温建筑技术, 2014(07):41-44.

11.邓学晶; 邹德高; 孔宪京,城市垃圾填埋场振动台试验的数值模拟研究. 岩土力学,2012, 33(2): 623-627.

12.邓学晶; 孔宪京; 邹德高. 城市垃圾填埋场地震稳定性的拟静力分析方法.岩土工程学报,  2010, 32(6): 1303-1308.

13.邓学晶; 杜永峰; 夏琰; 任兴文. 基于Flac3D的大型储液罐基础环梁拉力分析. 兰州理工大学学报,2010(4): 120-125.

14.邓学晶; 夏琰; 任兴文. 大型储油罐地基变形与基础环梁拉力的计算与分析. 工业建筑, 2010(S1), 732-735.

15.邓学晶; 王清安. 理工科大学生研究型学习能力的培养.通化师范学院学报, 2010(08):78-79.

16.邓学晶; 薛世峰. 摩擦角与摩擦自锁的一般性解释.山西建筑, 2010(23):223-224.

17.邓学晶; 薛世峰; 仝兴华. 崩滑岩体对埋地管线横向冲击作用的数值模拟.中国石油大学学报,2009,33(6): 111-115.

18.Xuejing Deng; Xianjing Kong. Seismic Response Characteristics of Municipal Waste Landfills. Proceeding of International symposium on Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2009, Hangzhou.

19.孔宪京; 邓学晶. 城市垃圾填埋场地震变形机理的振动台模型试验研究. 土木工程学报, 2008, 41(5): 65-71.

20.邓学晶; 孔宪京. 垃圾填埋场动力稳定机理及稳定分析. 世界地震工程, 2007, 23(4):59-66.

21.邓学晶; 孔宪京; 刘君. 城市垃圾填埋场的地震响应及稳定性分析. 岩土力学, 28(10):2095-2100.

22.邓学晶; 孔宪京; 邹德高. 复杂何在作用下填埋场HDPE土工膜受拉计算. 岩土工程学报, 2007, 28(3):447-452.

23.孔宪京; 邹德高; 邓学晶; 刘莹光. 高土石坝综合抗震措施及其效果的验算. 水利学报, 2006, 37(12):1489-1495.

24.孔宪京; 邹德高; 邓学晶; 刘莹光. 高土石坝抗震措施研究. 首届全国水工抗震防灾学术会议论文集, 2006.10, 中国南京.

25.Xuejing Deng; Xianjing Kong. Seismic response and stability evaluation of municipal waste landfills. Recent development of geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering in Asia. 2006, Dalian University of Technology Press, Dalian, ISBN7-5611-2813-4.



联系方式:山东省青岛市黄岛区长江西路66号 中国石油大学(华东) 储运与建筑工程学院 工程力学系, 邮编 266580
