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加拿大阿尔伯塔大学Lawrence H. Le教授学术报告


2018128日至12日,依托服务于一带一路倡议的油气储运工程创新引智基地”111培育项目和高层次储运创新平台助力海外人才引入工程国际合作交流基金项目,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学Larrence Le教授来我校开展学术访问交流,期间安排学术报告如下,欢迎全校师生前往交流。

报告题目:Eliminating Ultrasonic Crosstalk in a Transducer Array Using Adaptive Noise Cancellator in the Tau-p Domain (利用Tau-p域自适应噪声抵消器消除换能器阵列中的超声串扰

报告人:Lawrence H. Le




内容简介:Ultrasonic signals acquired by a transducer array are easily distorted by cross-coupling artefacts or crosstalk due to inter-communication among individual elements of the array. The crosstalk are coherent signals, which interfere with the real signals traveling through the medium and their removal is essential, prior to any data analysis, to provide an accurate interpretation of the signals. In this study, adaptive noise cancellator (ANC) was used to estimate the crosstalk-free signals. The filter used the acquired signals and reference crosstalk as the input to adaptively filter the reference crosstalk and subtract them from the input signals to provide the estimate. Instead of operating the filter in the time-offset (t-x) domain, the t-x data was first Radon-transformed to the time interceptslowness (tau-p) domain and ANC was used to eliminate crosstalk in the transformed domain. Simulated data was used to validate the accuracy and efficacy of the modified ANC. The filter was also applied to phantom and bone-plate data and the filtered signals were compared with those of the classical ANC.

联系人:邢潇(xiaoxingupc@outlook.com, 13475593096


