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时    间:201891110:00-11:00


报告主题On-going Research on Sound and Vibration (CSVR-PolyU


 告 人:Li CHENG, Chair Professor and Director

                       Consortium for Sound and Vibration research, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

                       The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


As one of the founding departments in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) almost eighty years ago, the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) has been actively involved in both fundamental and applied research to push the frontier of knowledge ahead in order to serve Hong Kong, its surrounding region and the word. Nowadays, ME is one of the most research-active departments on the campus and excels in a number of research areas that are germane to Hong Kong and beyond.  The research foci of the department are in four major areas of expertise and operated under three Research Centres and a Research Consortium under the University Niche Area scheme. As one of its constituents, the Consortium for Sound and Vibration Research (CSVR) carries out research in a wide spectrum of research topics, ranging from vibration and noise control, structural health monitoring and fluid-structure interactions. This talk will focus on a number of key research topics that are being carried out in CSVR to give the audience an overview of the CSVR and its research activities. Challenges and opportunities related to these on-going research activities will be discussed.


Dr. Li Cheng is currently a Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Director of Consortium for Sound and Vibration Research (CSVR) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He started his academic career at Laval University, Canada in 1992, rising from an assistant professor to Associate/Full Professor, before coming to Hong Kong in 2000, where he was promoted to Chair Professor in 2005 and was the Head of Department from 2011 to 2014. Dr. Cheng published extensively with more than 200 journal papers and 250 conference papers in the field of sound and vibration, structural health monitoring, smart structure and fluid-structure interaction. He also edited a few books and held 6 patents.  He is an elected fellow of the Acoustical Society of America, Acoustical Society of China, IMechE, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics. He currently serves as Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Receiving Editor of Journal of Sound and Vibration, Associate Editor for the Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Associate Editor of Structural Health Monitoring: an International Journal and editorial board member of another 6 journals. Dr. Cheng also been a Plenary/Keynote Speaker at conferences in USA, UK, France, Japan, Greece, India, South Korea, Poland, Bangladesh as well as China, including some of the most prestigious conferences in his field such as 47th Inter-noise, 23rd ICSV, 13th RASD, 15th APVC and 12th ICOVP. He also served as the general Chair of the 46th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-noise) and the Chair of 14th and 17th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference (APVC). Dr. Cheng is currently the President of the Hong Kong Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He is also a board director of both IIAV (International Institutes of Acoustics and Vibration) and I-INCE (International Institutes of Noise Control Engineering).